Hello! I’m Cassandra, better known in the tech world as Sevi, the Tech Granny.

I’m glad you’re here. Hopefully my health journey will inspire you.

Before my health journey began, I suffered from acid reflux, high bad cholesterol, high blood pressure, insomnia, sleep apnea, obesity, and depression from feeling helpless watching my parents dying before my eyes.

One day, while researching ways to improve both me and my parents' health, My mom battling Alzheimer's, and my dad fighting cancer. With the weight of their illnesses weighing heavy on my shoulders; determined to do everything I could to help them, I came upon Dr. Gundry’s podcast. He provided strong evidence that a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, sprouts, and berries can have profound effects on improving health.

By giving the body the nutrients it needs, the body can heal and reverse disease. Intrigued by this possibility, I decide to overhaul my family's diet.

As I begin eating only real food, avoiding lectins, sugar, and highly processed foods found in bags, boxes and cans, I noticed subtle but significant improvements in my own well-being. I had and continue to have more energy, clarity of mind, and a renewed sense of purpose.

At first, my parents were hesitant, accustomed to their soul food diet and skeptical about the impact of food on their conditions; however, witnessing my dedication and the positive changes in my health, they agreed to give it a try.

Together, we embarked on a culinary adventure, exploring new recipes using the "Yes Food" ingredients listed in Dr. Gundry’s book “Unlocking The Keto Code”. Experimenting with fresh produce, healthy proteins and savoring the vibrant flavors of real food cuisine. Along the way, we shared laughter, tears, and precious moments of connection, strengthening our bond as a family.

As weeks passed, something remarkable began to happen and it continues to this day.

I began to lose weight without dieting, I felt more energetic, my diseases of acid reflux, depression, high bad cholesterol, high blood pressure, insomnia and obesity all begin to disappear. And now at age 64, I am disease and medication free.

Encouraged by these positive developments, I’ve become an advocate for the benefits of a real food diet, sharing my story with others in similar situations.

My purpose in life is to be a beacon of hope and inspiration, as more families embrace the healing potential of nature's bounty.

Although my parents did succumb to their illnesses as by the time we discovered Dr. Gundry’s protocol they were both in the end stages of their diseases, I find solace in knowing that the food did help them and that I made a difference in their lives.

Now as I sit down to enjoy a meal, surrounded by the vibrant colors of fresh produce, mushrooms, wild berries, healthy protein, and the warmth of family, I realize that the true healing power lies not just in the food we eat but, in the love, and support we share with others.

I’d like to share what I’ve learned over the past two years with you. I eat very clean and post to Instagram what I eat daily. Please join me on Instagram for my daily shares on how you too can eat to become your healthiest ever, reduce your chances of, and reverse dreaded diseases.

I embrace my faith and believe that God blesses each of us with all that we need to live a healthy fulfilling life. We simply must use our agency to make sound choices and seek the information we need to make better decisions regarding our health; God’s word says in Mathew 7:7 “Seek and You Shall Find.”

Thanks for dropping by my page and I promise to always be on the hunt for better health for both me and you!

Kind Regards,

See Ya On Instagram! SeviTheTechGranny.

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